It's Our Pleasure To Disgust You) By Barbra Kruger

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When I visited the Denver Art Museum, allot of different works caught my attention but two out of them stood out above the rest. These two works were Lots Wife by Kent Monkman, and Untitled (It’s Our Pleasure to Disgust You) by Barbra Kruger. These two works of art conveyed a manipulation of the idea of gender and the roles associated with it.
The first work of art that really caught my eye was Lots Wife by Kent Monkman. Kent Monkman is of Cree ancestry (and that plays an important role in the meaning behind his works of art) and he works with a wide variety of mediums such as painting, film/video, performance, and installation. The title of his work is Lot’s Wife, which belongs to a culture that has an open view towards gender and the roles associated with gender. It could also appeal to those who embrace the Christian aspect of the artwork. In this particular work he used the medium of Installation, taxidermy deer, fiberglass, styrofoam, artificial grass, wood and video projection; a single male life sized sculpture in a field if grass and wild flowers. This is what made the work so interesting is all of the different mediums he used to convey such a deep message. Some speculate that this was a self-portrait of himself. A male dressed in a see-through white robe with a white beaded purse over his arm. Behind the sculpture lay a baby deer. Cross-dressing as well as manipulation of gender roles is portrayed in this piece. It has a much deeper subject matter, that of the Biblical story of the woman who went against the divine threat of reprisal, who turned back taking one final glance at Sodom, her previous home. For her defiance she received the wrath of God who turned her into a pillar of salt. He used this as a representation t...

... middle of paper ... if a woman is not truly a woman unless she has a man by her side, that she has no importance without a man. Barbara Kruger wants to challenge that in her art. She projects feminism through her art.
Although both works focus on two different aspects of gender and gender roles, the first Lots Wife by Kent Monkman really portrayed gender roles in the way of the flexibility of gender roles and that males can do what females do and still be male, and the second work, Untitled (It’s Our Pleasure to Disgust You) by Barbra Kruger portrayed the gender roles that women are subjected to by males as well as by other females. They both used a very bold way to convey their message about their views on gender and their roles in our society, even though they were conveying different messages, the idea behind their works of art were the same. The way society views gender roles.

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