Isadora Duncan Research Paper

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Isadora Duncan It’s not about ideas, it’s about making ideas happen. Isadora Duncan created modern dance, using motivations to innovate ways to overcome the strict dance policies, and showed the world a new kind of movement. Isadora created a new style of dance called modern, although leaving no teaching methods, and few pupils she showed the world a new way of movement (Article 1, 2002). At the age of 10 Isadora was teaching neighborhood friends, a new system of dance that was based upon improvisation and interpretation (Article 1, 2002). Eventually she found a point in time where her spiritual and technical approach intertwined; this helped her establish her own form of dance (Article 2, 1998 ). Although she is known for her dancing skills she started out as a gymnast because she wanted to act more freely (Article 3, 2013). When she came into the world of dance, she combined her love of expressive movement with the freedom of her body from gymnastics (Article 3, 2013). Isadora Duncan created modern dance because of her love of free movement. …show more content…

She tried to found a school in 1921, but she could not compete with the ballet schools (Article 2, 1998). In 1899 in New York Isadora gave a solo performance with bare arms and bare legs, making many ladies leave the auditorium (Article 3, 2013). Also, using her motivations to prove to the people who left the stage the stage that day that she can really dance and everyone who stayed and watched were blown away (Article 3, 2013). Isadora impacted her field by showing the world a new way to dance inspiring not only dancers in the next generations, but poets, artists, and singers too (Article 3, 2013). Duncan used her motivations to empower the world and overcome the strict dance

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