Isabelle Monologue

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Sebastian ran for me and laid next to me. “I don't think this was such a good idea..staying the night in a den with the creature who stole my mom..hmm…” He looked at me and I knew he was still very afraid, but he was warming up to Isabelle. “For one...we aren't with the exact same wolf..for two..she is really nice. Otherwise we'd all be gone right now. So stop's just one or two nights.” I coinsided. He looked at me with his “are you serious?!” face. I nuzzled his shoulder. “Ya..we'll protect you Sebastian!” announced Candy as she joined us in the snug corner. Isabelle walked over. I didn't know why I had felt so comfortable by someone- let alone a wolf, that I didn't know. Nor did I expect Isabelle to be so comfortable about …show more content…

She looked at me and I couldn’t help but ask how she knew Raptor. I stopped myself and said sorry. “Oh..that story will become known to your young mind later my friend.” Her voice was strict and I fully understood that she didn’t want to talk about it. As I watched her cuddle her pups and tell them goodnight, I leaned in to the pile of my brothers and sisters. “Goodnight everyone..” I whispered, but most of them were already fast asleep. “Goodnight,” whispered Collie. I cuddled next to her and watched the light that entered the cave become more and more dimmer. I yawned and placed my snout on her side. “Aren't you glad we found you..” I quietly laughed. “Duh...I missed you, that wolf was really annoying..bragging and going on and on about dad and mom..” She held her breath. So did I. I had just realized that this may have well been a trap set for curious puppies. That Raptor wanted mom and dad alone. I didn’t want to know the answer. I rest my head on her neck and hoped I wouldn’t dream about that horrid creature. I looked to Isabelle once more before shutting my eyes. She looked so at peace. But she wasn’t at all. I fell into a deep sleep. I closed my eyes and the first thing I saw was Isabelle mourning over her mates dead …show more content…

I shivered trying to get the image out of my mind. Everyone but Isabelle's pups were up. I talked with everyone and we decided we would try to relieve Isabelle from the stress of us staying in her den. “I think we are going to move on from here..we have to help Sebastian find his family..” I yawned as the she-wolf nodded ok. She told her pups to wake up and I heard Majesty growl. “Oh, come on. You had a good night's sleep.” She nuzzled her daughter and she rolled over. Fang and Moon were already wrestling when Majesty finally stood up. She yawned and blinked sleep from her violet eyes. Bone was still fast asleep. Isabelle grabbed him by the scruff and placed him in the open. The sun shone down on his gray fur, almost reflecting the light into my eyes. He shook and slowly stood up. “Why did you wake me up!” he mumbled. Bone looked at me and yawned. He stretched out his legs and joined his mom's side, right across from Majesty. “At least I have two calm pups..” Laughed Isabelle transferring her gaze to Moon and Fang. “The reason that Isabelle got you guys up is because we are leaving.” I announced. Moon and Fang stopped wrestling and looked at me. “Awe..why?” questioned Bone, tilting his ear to the side. “ guys are cool! I don’t want ya to leave!” Moon jumped towards me. She nipped my side and I suddenly was a little sad that we were leaving. “Don’t worry. I’m sure we'll see each other soon.” I remarked. Even Majesty looked a little

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