Is Ethical Egoism Wrong

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The aforementioned challenge by the altruist does show that ethical egoism is wrong and altruism is right. Now, there are a multitude of reasons for this, from the moral to the logical. Laying out those reasons will build the foundation for fully addressing the point made by the altruist in the quote above. Firstly though, ethical egoism must be defined, as must its counterpart altruism. Ethical egoism says that people should only look out for their own self-interest (MacKinnon, 581). In contrast, altruism is the belief that human behavior should be oriented towards the well-being of others over the self (MacKinnon, 579). Egoism, regardless of which type one wishes to subscribe to, is an inherently drab and selfish moral theory. It is by this basis and the reasoning laid out by the altruist’s claim that will now condemn ethical egoism on a much more detailed basis. …show more content…

Also, most parents do not have conditional love for their children, and those that do are often not regarded as the best parents; they are looked down on by society. If ethical egoism were correct, then decent societies would not shun those parents who put their interests ahead of their children’s. However, because caring parents actually want their children to be happy, they will love their kids no matter the circumstances. This desire out of love is evident even in completely hypothetical situations, such as Lipton’s parable (George, 201). Given the choice between his own happiness, or that of his children’s, Lipton chooses the selfless act of the latter’s happiness – even after confessing that he is not a saint (George, 201). This one example is fairly indicative of how most decent parents would behave, under similar circumstances. However, the flaws of ethical egoism do not stop

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