Is Alchemy Chemistry?

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Is alchemy chemistry?

The term Alchemy derives from the early Egyptians and their belief in life after death. In the seventh century, Egypt was temporarily occupied by the Arabians. The Prefix 'al' was added to Khem (referring to the fertility of the flood plains around the Nile) resulting in 'al-khem'.
Alchemist based their work around their belief, which stated that everything contained a spirit and metals were living beings that grew intramural the earth itself. Their work sought to transform lead (bottom of the metal hierarchy) into gold (top of the metal hierarchy).

Opposing the modern discoveries, Alchemists speculated that all mater composed of different percentages of the four elements (Fire, Water, Air, and Earth). They organised …show more content…

Alchemists postulated that this 'stone' was the key to eternal life and transforming matter.
In the eighth century the Arabians bought alchemy to Spain, from there, it spread throughout Europe.

By the 16th century the alchemists of Europe had disjointed from one another into two separate groups. One continued to look at the spiritual side of alchemy, continuing the pursuit of immortality and transforming substances into gold. The other focused on the discovery of new compounds and their reactions. This lead to the ever-present science of chemistry.

Alchemists were the early practitioners of what would become modern chemistry meaning that they originate from the same beliefs and sciences. But the present chemistry differs exponentially from the decrepit art of chemistry

Since the beginning of Alchemy, there has always been the shadow of chemistry and as alchemy began to die, chemistry grew.
The first trace of chemistry was 1700BC. King Hammurabi lists all currently know metals.
430BC, Democritus suggests that everything consists of …show more content…

For example, using a particle accelerator, we can turn lead into gold (Although much more expensive than the gold yielded as a result), this is very similar to the alchemists main goal. Which essentially was to turn one common mineral into gold (a much more valuable and 'pure' metal than lead). Particle accelerator turn lead into gold by shooting elementary particles into the lead element causing it to lose three of its protons. This changes the chemical structure of the lead causing it to become

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