Iron Man Research Paper

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Why Iron Man is a Role Model Just imagine a man inside a mechanized suit flying around New York trying to fight off an alien invasion. The first idea that pops into my head is superhero. This specific superhero is none other than the Iron Man, or his known identity of Tony Stark. Tony Stark is the owner of the multi-billion dollar company Stark Industries. His superior intellect and big pictured mind has made him one of the brightest minds in the fictional Earth of the Marvel Universe. His superior mind and snarky nature has helped him become one of the most popular superheroes in the Marvel cinematic universe. His narcissism and personal problems may influence other negatively; but his other feats outweigh the negative aspects, one in particular his efforts in the battle of New York. Tony Stark. Is a good role model because …show more content…

These intentions are seen in the movie “The Avengers”. During the end fight scene of this movie; Iron Man, along with his fellow Avengers, are fighting off the Chitauri invasion of Earth. Iron Man is risking his life fighting off this band of evil and lethal marauders. This event sounds less narcissistic and more sacrificial. One true scene of sacrifice is Tony Stark intercepting a nuclear missile and redirecting it into the energy portal directly to the Chitauri invaders (IMDB para.15). Tony Stark then gives the most sacrificial thing a man can give, his life. This story does not end there, the makers at Marvel created a little movie magic. Tony is then saved by the Incredible Hulk, a fellow Avenger, as he is falling back to Earth through the portal as it was being closed by yet another Avenger Black Widow (IMDB para.16). Iron Man did not die that day, but he was prepared to. His voluntary actions helped save the world and also helped make the world a better place. The actions of Tony Stark that day makes him a positive role

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