Investigation to Determine the Relative Atomic Mass of Lithium

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Investigation to Determine the Relative Atomic Mass of Lithium


My aim of this experiment will be to determine the R.A.M using two

separate methods

In the first method I will dissolve a piece of lithium of a known mass

in water, I will then collect the hydrogen gas produced, which can be

used to calculate the relative atomic mass of Lithium.

The balanced equation of our reaction is shown below;

[IMAGE]2Li + 2H2O 2LiOH + H2

In the second method I will do a titration experiment of lithium

hydroxide(produced in experiment 1)

The balanced equation of our reaction in experiment 2 is shown below;

[IMAGE]LiOH + HCl LiCl + H20

Background Information

Lithium is an alkali metal in group 1 of the periodic table. It is a

metallic element and does not decompose however it is highly in

contact with many other substances. It can react violently with water,

the humidity in air, and the moisture in other substances releasing

hydrogen gas.



* Lithium (0.1g)

* Pan Balance

* Conical Flask

* Bowl

* Measuring Cylinder (250cm3)

* Delivery tube and Bung

* Goggles

* Filter

* Clamp


I set up the apparatus as shown above. I placed water into the bowl (I

used a big bowl because the measuring cylinder was 250cm3 which was

too big to fit into a beaker). I made sure their were no air in the

measuring cylinder and that it only contains water and I put it into

the bowl of water over the delivery tube, I then got a clamp stand to

hold the measuring cylinder

The lithium was taken and the oil was removed off it using the filter.

The lithium was then placed in a pan balance once removing as much oil

as possible. The measured mass of lithium was placed in a conical

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