Investigation on Coastal Erosion In Porlock Bay

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Investigation on Coastal Erosion In Porlock Bay



Aim 1:

To find out if beach material is moved across Porlock Bay by longshore


Aim 2:

To find out which type of sea defense is best for Porlock bay.

If L.S.D. (long shore drift) were taking place I would expect to find:

a) Deposition at one end of the bay and against any abstractions such

as groynes.

b) An increase in pebble roundness in the direction of long shore

drift. The process of attrition will erode the pebbles.

c) A decrease of pebble size in the direction of long shore drift,

again attrition is involved.

d) Undercutting (active erosion of the cliffs at one end of the bay).

Method(data collection)


If Long Shore Drift were taking place, I would expect to find:

* Deposition of pebbles on one side of any obstruction. This

obstruction could be a headland or an artificial barrier such as a


* A decrease in pebble size in the direction of long shore drift.

* An increase in pebble roundness in the direction of long shore


I visited the two extreme ends of the beach, Gore point at the west

and Hurl stone point at the east, at each end I measured:

* The shape of the beach known as the beach profile, using a tape

measurer and a clinometer. A clinometer measures the angle of a


* The size and shape of a sample of pebbles. These pebbles were

picked out randomly. We took 100 pebbles from each end and

measured their length using a ruler and used the shape chart to

decide what shape the pebbles were.

First we had go...

... middle of paper ...


However, if any action is taken to defend the coastline, if you hinder

in nature's course of beach erosion, there will always be after

effects resulting from unnatural intrusion. This proves that any sea

defence could prove a problem especially with the land owned by Nation


Nevertheless if you could prove to the owners of the land to the

extent of which erosion is taken place and show them how much LSD is

affecting the area, action may well become a better option.

Whilst staying in the area I decided to investigate the effects of LSD

on the coastline and show how it affects the coastline. If LSD has

affected the area there would be more material at one end of bay as

well smaller smother stones at the same end. This is because they

would be eroded down whilst traveling from one end to the other.

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