The Reasons for Aldeburgh Being Protected Differently than Dunwich

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The Reasons for Aldeburgh Being Protected Differently than Dunwich

In this question, I will be looking at how Aldeburgh is protected more

than Dunwich, and the reasons why. I will concentrate more on the

reasons, and to answer this, I will look at the location, long shore

drift, and nearby places.

Types of Coastal Protection

Dunwich is only 9 miles north of Aldeburgh, but the methods of coastal

protection in these two places are very different. In Dunwich there is

a small amount of 'soft' protection. This means that natural methods

are used. We saw that there was vegetation, which had been planted on

the sand dunes near Dunwich Heath. There is also fencing around the

dunes to stop them being eroded through people walking on them.

Coastal Protection At Aldeburgh

Text Box: Fig 4.1Text Box: In Aldeburgh however, the types of

protection involve 'hard' protection. These are man-made objects. At

Aldeburgh, three hard protection methods have been employed, and one

soft method. There is: a curved sea wall groynes, rip-rap, and, beach

replenishment (fig 4.1).

Reasons For Different Protection.

Dunwich is a small coastal village on the Suffolk coast. There are

only 120 people living in Dunwich, consisting mainly of retired people

but with a few fishermen and forestry workers. With this in mind,

there is no real need to protect it from the sea. Although Dunwich was

once a major port, almost all of the historic remains have already

fallen into the sea.

Another reason for not protecting Dunwich is because the material that

is eroded from those cliffs is carried south by long shore drift and

helps to prevent erosion further down the coast. This is particularly

important with the presence of the Sizewell nuclear power plants 5

miles south of Dunwich. If hard protection were used at Dunwich, then

this would cause the cliffs at Sizewell to erode much quicker and

possibly cause a risk to the nuclear power plants and the town.

Text Box: Fig 4.2Text Box: Map of Orford SpitText Box: Further South

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