Coastal Erosion
With Reference to examples discuss the view that coastal erosion is caused by human intervention as a posed to natural processes.
For many decades the approach to rapid coastal erosion was to build up sea defenses, to try and slow down or even stop the erosion. Initially the attempts were thought a success, however after some years it was realized that the power of the sea and waves could overcome human attempts. Only could protection be a success if huge costs were going to be involved. Many methods around the British Isles have taken place in he last 50 years with many failures occurring. It is very rare to find a coastline that shows a decrease in the rate of erosion over many years after defenses are in place. In fact in places the defenses seem to have speeded up the erosion process. Coastal erosion is a natural process of erosion, transportation and deposition, interfering with this balance could be to blame for the rise in erosion on the coasts of some areas.
Groynes have been built out to sea in many areas of the British coastline. Their aim is to trap material and thus slow down the rate of long shore drift. However, these groynes in some areas are been blamed for the rise in erosion rates further down the coast.
On the Holderness coastline in Humberside, erosion is taking place at a rate of about 2 meters per year. Along this coast there is a strong action of long shore drift taking place, which over centuries has produced a spit to form on the southern tip of Holderness, called Spurn Head spit. The spit is over 4km long and 100 meters wide. The majority of this coastline is glacial till, a soft fragile material, which is easily eroded. This however is not thought of as the only reason for the rapid rates of erosion. Human interference is thought to be another cause, as a result of the sea defenses put in place. A rock groyne was built at Mappleton, to create a wider beach.
This in turn would help protect the coastline, by absorbing the wave energy. Then at Withernsea a concrete sea wall with a splash back and boulder rip-rap in front of it was created. These defenses were to cause great problems. The groyne meant that material moving down the coast by long shore drift would get stuck behind the groyne.
Investigation on Coastal Erosion In Porlock Bay Aims ---- Aim 1: To find out if beach material is moved across Porlock Bay by longshore drift. Aim 2: To find out which type of sea defense is best for Porlock bay. If L.S.D. (long shore drift) were taking place I would expect to find: a) Deposition at one end of the bay and against any abstractions such as groynes. b)
It is being managed by the local council in two different ways. These include; a rip-rap wall, dune stabilization. The rip-rap wall consists of large rocks which have been piled up at an angle. Behind the rip-rap wall the land use is mainly commercial, but there is also some residential land-use. This method has been used because human land-use is right on top of the ocean, and in order to defend these buildings a hard option is required.
The sea wall protected the low-lying farmland and in addition to this the railway that links Ramsgate and London. A smaller recurved concrete sea wall was built west of the Towers to avert flooding at Reculver. Additional wooden groynes were sited on the beaches to delay longshore drift and maintain the shingle beaches, which itself is a defence. In the 1960s the houses at Bishopstone Glen were in danger of being destroyed because the soft clay and sandstone cliffs underneath them were so unstable. As a result another sea wall was built, this time underne... ...
With this in mind, there is no real need to protect it from the sea. Although Dunwich was once a major port, almost all of the historic remains have already fallen into the sea. Another reason for not protecting Dunwich is because the material that is eroded from those cliffs is carried south by long shore drift and helps to prevent erosion further down the coast. This is particularly important with the presence of the Sizewell nuclear power plants 5 miles south of Dunwich. If hard protection were used at Dunwich, then this would cause the cliffs at Sizewell to erode much quicker and possibly cause a risk to the nuclear power plants and the town.
Investigating if Dawlish Warren is Under Threat of Human Impact My investigation aims to find out if Dawlish Warren is threaten by human impacts and marine processes and are these affecting the ecological and economical value of Dawlish Warren. I will put to test Butlers Model and see if it applies to Dawlish Warren. I will also look at the other side of the argument and see the effect of management in Dawlish Warren and look at the sea defences which have been put in place to prevent erosion and longshore drift from occurring and also protecting the Railway line.
Barrier Beaches stretch along the entire east coast of the United States. The barrier beaches from Long Island to Maine are known as Glaciated Coasts because their formation was assisted by glaciers. Eighteen thousands years ago a glacier covered most of the eastern US. This glacier terminated at present day Long Island. About fifteen thousands years ago the glacier began to retreat. As it melted it left behind mounds of rubble, called moraines. This particular glacier left behind two moraines because its final recession was a two part process. These two moraines are the Ronkonkoma Moraine and the Harbor Hill Moraine. The Ronkonkoma Moraine is located in central Long Island and the Harbor Hill Moraine is located on the northern part of Long Island. Besides the two moraines the glaciers deposited great amounts of debris offshore. This debris supplies the sand needed to create and maintain a barrier beach system (Hoel 16-18).
Over the past 100 years the Louisiana coastline has suffered greatly from biotic, abiotic, and anthropogenic factors. The abiotic factors include things such as hurricanes or overnutrition that influence the surrounding biota. The biotic factors that contribute to coastal erosion are things like the immigration invasive species and the emigration or extinction of local flora and fauna that help preserve the wetlands. Additionally, there are anthropogenic factors such as pollution that can have strong negative influences on the abiotic and biotic factors of the wetlands. Each one of these factors cause ecological disturbances to the wetlands at a frequency and intensity that is unmanageable for the local flora and fauna. There are currently certain measures that are being taken into consideration to slow or stop the erosion of the Louisiana coastline.
Coastal erosion is a growing problem along the Gulf Coast. Louisiana is one of the coastal states most affected by coastal erosion. Ninety percent of wetland loss in the nation occurs in Louisiana, losing 25-35 square miles per year. At that rate, Louisiana will lose 640,000 more acres by 2050. Many factors contribute to this land loss, such as rising sea levels, subsidence, hurricane storm surge, cold fronts, and human interference. Cold fronts and hurricanes can both have detrimental consequences on the coast of Louisiana (Zhang 2004) (Restore or Retreat 2012). This research shows whether cold fronts or hurricanes have a larger effect on coastal erosion. The researcher will describe how historical and current satellite imagery help in determining the changes in the Louisiana coast. Based on previous research, the researcher believes that hurricanes have more of an effect on coastal erosion than cold fronts due to the high winds and storm surge.
eroded as fast as 6 metres per year, but the average is 1.8 metres per
This paper introduces the environmental concerns of the loss of coastal wetlands. The paper will discuss the significance of wetlands and the devastation that is occurring because of human activity. Wetlands are an essential element of our environment both ecological and societal; conservation will be essential for the preservation of these precious ecosystems.
Plastic surgery has allowed people to conform to society by eliminating their differences. The practice has allowed people to alter and enhance their appearances and not just for correcting abnormality or defect. Coelho says “Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.” (16)
Some people’s obsession with plastic surgery is obviously getting out of control. It starts with only getting one thing fixed or corrected but then quickly escalates and before you know it, a face that once was all-flesh turns into plastic. According to a study conducted by Nigel Mercer (2009), “The number of official cosmetic surgeries has more than tripled to 34,000 since 2003”. The two reasons why plastic surgery should be banned are because of its high health risks, and because of the additional pressure it puts on people to look picture-perfect.
“In 2012 more than 236,000 cosmetic procedures were performed on patients between 13 and 19 of age including more than 75,000 surgical procedures such as nose reshaping,liposuction and,breast lifts and tummy tuck” (I). ”Plastic surgery dates back to at least 600 B.C. ,when Hindu physicians were surgically reconstructing noses” (A). The modern plastic surgery techniques developed after world war I and was used for soldiers who had suffered during the war for example people who had broken their nose or neck (A). In the second half of the 20th century,plastic surgery became more popular, mostly women would get plastic procedures to gain more confident and get the feeling of social acceptance (A). When performed correctly ,cosmetic surgery can raise self-esteem and give confident for those who are locked inside there shame,misery box for too long (H).Cosmetic surgery can improve your physical features it could change you physically and mentally by making you think and feel positive towards everything, what you do does not influence others but yourself(I).Cosmetic surgery can make you a better,positive person, where it takes away your stress and gives you an easier, happier life, but it could also go wrong
Planting trees and certain other herbaceous plants can have a significantly positive impact on the mitigation of soil erosion. Some great plants that are useful when trying to control soil erosion are sage, buckwheat, and oak trees. This will help keep the water from soiling up and another way is that wrappers, bottles and other trash are unfortunately a common sight at many well-used beaches and rivers around the world. It should be obvious that the trash from these places often ends up in waterways and can cause pollution. Plastics are an especially big issue when it comes to water contamination at beaches and waterways.
The problem with contaminated beaches will soon take effect on everyone. The main causes that pollution creates in the beaches are from heavy rainfall, natural disasters, and plant malfunctions. Government agencies cannot control the weather, but they can control what goes into the water. In the United States, the number one reason why beaches are closed down are due to contamination in the water that may be harmful and are left untreated. The arising problem with the beach is that the industries are producing toxic chemicals and tossing the unwanted waste into the ocean. Also, the public are recklessly throwing their trash out into the streets. A prime example to demonstrate this is, if someone was trying to throw a bottle into a street trashcan but missed, he/she is unlikely to pick up after himself/herself if no one was around to see it. This scenario causes pollution to the sidewalks. When mother nature disasters occur, these waste products will end up in the storm drains and into the sewage system. The overflow of debri from the cities can flow into the rivers and if not preserved, it can flow into the ocean. The rivers will then carry these human caused waste into t...