Investigating the Geographical Processes that are Affecting the Physical and Built Coastal Environment

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Investigating the Geographical Processes that are Affecting the Physical and Built Coastal Environment There are three geographical processes that are affecting the physical and built coastal environment, they are; erosion, deposition, and transportation. Erosion is the group of natural processes, including weathering, dissolution, abrasion, corrosion, and transportation, by which material is worn away from the earth’s surface, this is mainly caused by wind, running water, and waves breaking on the coast. Deposition is the depositing something or the laying down of matter by a natural process. Transportation is when sand is moved along the coast by long shore drift. At North Cronulla beach erosion is evident. It is being managed by the local council in two different ways. These include; a rip-rap wall, dune stabilization. The rip-rap wall consists of large rocks which have been piled up at an angle. Behind the rip-rap wall the land use is mainly commercial, but there is also some residential land-use. This method has been used because human land-use is right on top of the ocean, and in order to defend these buildings a hard option is required. There are many things working together to ensure Dune stabilization. These include; re-vegetation, fences, poly-mesh fencing, planked walkways, and controlled pedestrian access. This method is a softer option than the rip-rap wall and is used because human land-use, which at this place consists mainly of recreational buildings, is far away from the ocean. Deposition is also being managed at North Cronulla beach. Dune stabilization is being used to prevent deposited material from being eroded away.

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