Instructional Leadership Theory Essay

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One regular factor in most of the effective schools research is an emphasis on strong, instructional leadership (Edmonds, 1979ab, 1982; Purkey & Smith, 1983; Weber, 1971; Brookover& Lezotte, 1979). Leadership theories, such as trait, behavior, contingency, and charismatic, provide a theoretical framework for viewing the total development of instructional leadership. Instructional leadership has many different definitions and models that intellectualize it starting from the early 1900’s. The current study synthesizes the many meanings and models of instructional leadership using theoretical and empirical contemplations. The instructional leadership construct is defined in terms of principal behaviors that lead a school to educate all students to higher student achievement.
Based on my research and reading conducted; instructional leadership encompasses behaviors which includes ; defining and communicating shared goals, monitor and provide feedback on the teaching and learning process, and promote school-inclusive professional development. Communicating shared goals encompass activities that emphasis attention to the methodological core of schools. Locke and Latham, (1990) lamented that these goals increase the effort exerted by school members, increase perseverance, and increase the development of schemes which will in turn …show more content…

It is paramount that educators continue to learn and keep abreast of advances and issues in education. Instructional leaders play an essential role, as they can either stifle or enhance professional development of staff members. Leaders enhance professional growth of staff members by building a culture and climate of collaboration and learning, promoting attendance at workshops or conferences, and providing resources and in-services that cultivate teacher innovation. Providing praise and feedback to staff members about

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