Informative Speech: Different Types Of Modern Dance

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We have all heard of dancing haven't we? Dance comes in many styles like salsa, jazz tap, hip hop and ballet. This are just some types of dances the more common one that a lot of people have heard of. Imagine that you are audience for a role and that start playing music and its not the type that you are use to and one of the judges calls your name and they ask you improvise for 30 seconds or you don't get the role.Modern Dancing is the perfect type of dance to get you started so if this happens to you, you would know what to do.
Today, I’m going to be talking about modern dancing. Modern dance a lot of people have not heard about modern or some people have heard of it but just don't know what it is. So since most of people do not know what
Some i'm going to tell you why you would see how modern is so unique.
Modern is an emotional type of dance where you would not think about what you are going to do you would just dance how you are feeling at the moment. I remember when i first learned what modern dance i felt so awkward doing it because you will feel like people are judging you how you but dance in your own style which people don't and once i got over that i have gotten more comfortable
I'm going to be talking and informing you about what the History of Modern dance is and what made someone come up with Modern dancing.Also i'm going to be telling you some of the Famous Modern dancers that i find talented and they really put their heart in dancing because they were passionate about what they did, them i'm going to be telling you what improvisation is and the skills and movements you are going to want to be a successful modern dancer.
So I'm first going to be telling and talking to you about the History of Modern

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