Industrialization Effects on Workers of Great Britain

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Industrialization Effects on Workers of GB

Industrializations has occurred in many nation through out the world. It mainly started in the 19th century. One of the country who was one of the first to have industrial in there country was Great Britain. If had many pros and cons on the lives workers.

Industrializations means “To develop industry in country or nation”.

Some of cons of industrialization in Great Britain for the workers was they got very minimum wages; they had to work outrages amount of hours. It is a fact that some of the industries only gave there workers a penny per hour. The workers were subjected to work from 6 in morning to 8 at night. This gives them 14 pennies per day. When the bosses got 25-50 dollars per day. But the worst part of if they were even 15 minutes late for work there wages was cut in half. Most of these workers lived at least 2 miles away from the factory. This had a great impact on the workers lives, they had to wake up early in the morning and go home very late.

Another con was that these workers had to work in a very poor condition. They had dust all over, mice running around freely, the managers beating them from top if they slowed down, and they couldn’t even eat while they worked. They only got 1 hour to eat during the day which was in a dirty place also. Some times if the trade rate was high they didn’t even get 5 minutes to eat and if that happened the managers took their food and gave it to the pigs.

One of the important pros of this industrialization was that the workers had machines to make there work easier. For example; steam gin, cotton gin etc. This meant they didn’t have to do most of the work by hands, for instance separate the cotton from the plants.

By this most of the work became easier for the workers.

The workers responded in many ways one of which was running away from the mills. Mostly the children they attempted it almost everyday but they were caught and bought back to the mill. Same thing also happened to the adults. Another way that these workers responded was by forming Unions. What they did was revolted and went on strikes. If the working condition got very bad they went on a strike and most of the times they got what they wanted.

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