Individualization Analysis

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Ulrich Beck is a German sociologist who has elaborated a formulation of the theory of reflexive modernization, which is characterized by two theses: risk thesis and individualization thesis. Beck’s thesis in Germany has been understood as a bal-ance of these two theses, but in Anglo-Saxon sociology the risk thesis has been influential . For better understanding of individualization process it’s necessary to explain what is new and specific in this process. The new is that something that earlier in nineteenth century was expected of a few “to lead a life of their own” to-day is demanded by more and more people. The new element is, first, the democ-ratization of the individualization processes and the second also conditions in soci-ety favor or enforces individualization process e.g. like the job market, the need for mobility and training etc. In the past marriage was an institution which was above the individuals, and was to be understood not from below or from individual to above but from above to bellow, but today individuals are forming it . With mod-ernization individuals are setting their demands and dilemmas more and more free. Individuals and society can’t be described as a social conflict, because individuals and society lay claim to each other . The individualization theory is analyzing the political debate in two ways: first, it is creating a reference of frame which allows that the conflicts between individuals and society, to be analyzed from the position of individuals. Second, is showing how the modern society develops further, it’s becoming questionable to suppose that collective units of meaning and action ex-ist . The social factors could be described as: religious, classes, associations and above all, but the in... ... middle of paper ... ... competition. Depend-ing on its duration and content, with education you are achieving a certain degree of self discovery and reflection. Mobility is intrinsically tied to the labour market also with mobility people are becoming more independent. Competition pressure leads to individualization among equals . With decreasing of unemployment and economic crises, social and technological innovations will increase the opportunities for individualization processes, the ex-pectations are more flexibility in labour market relations and new regulations for working hours. The social and technological revolutions are shaping the individuali-zation lifestyles, e.g. flexible working hours, more freedom during work time, home office possibilities. Class society which is defined as tradition and culture will lose his significance beside an individualized society of employees .

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