Indigenous Australia Disadvantages

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Indigenous Australians, not disadvantaged by their culture but limited opportunity

The disadvantaged refers to an individual or group in society that are in adverse circumstances affecting social, financial or in this instance, educational. There are various groups that can be depicted as disadvantaged, however, Indigenous Australians students seem to have noticeable differences as seen through lower numbers in education, as well as employment.
History tells that Indigenous Australians have faced extreme hardships and struggles, and until now students are still effected by a lack of belonging and identity, and poverty (Dockett, Mason & Perry, 2006). Issues which result of poor numbers in schools and ultimately hardships later in life in terms of employment, further study and personal identity. However, is it fair to say that Indigenous Australian students are disadvantaged by their culture because of a different way of life and belief systems? Possibly explaining reasons behind students experiencing a short lived time in the educational system because they are being encouraged and urged to attend schools which are out of their …show more content…

This particularly assists Aboriginal students in creating long term goals whereby the student has an opportunity to plan their future career. However is also beneficial to parents and families, as they are also informed of different pathways and career opportunities available for their children, especially if the student is passionate about a particular path (Helme & Lamb, 2011). This strategy provides a head start to career planning, whereby a positive outlook into the future can be gained, and therefore goals made to be achieved for life beyond

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