Indian Removal Act Vs Holocaust

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Did you know that around six million Jews were killed during the holocaust? What is genocide? The exact definition of genocide is, “the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation” ( The Indian Removal Act and the Jewish holocaust were two events in history that are considered genocide.These events were alike and different in many ways. Both these events were tragedies, but from them we learn how awful it was that these people were killed because of their race and religion and how to prevent it. Both of these events were considered genocide because people were killed because of their religion or race.

To begin, both of these events happened to …show more content…

They are different because during the holocaust there were camps made to kill Jews, while Native Americans died on the way to a new home. During the Indian Removal Act, Native Americans were moved to a new town. The Nazis brought the Jews to concentration camps like, Auschwitz, where they were killed. In both of these events people were killed, but most Native Americans died when they were going west from diseases. The Jews were told it was resettlement or they were just forced to leave, then they were brought to concentration camps and killed. This shows how the incidents are different because they were carried out in different ways.

In the end, genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. During the Indian Removal Act thousands of Native Americans were forced out of their home because they weren’t American and most died from diseases. Millions of people were killed during the Jewish Holocaust because they were Jews. Both of these events are alike and different in many ways. These incidents are considered genocide because people were killed because of their race or

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