Indian Horse Sociology

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Skating into the Residential School System and its Horror Stories Hunter Braniff Department of English, Northwest College Wyoming Eng-1010-2n Ms. Molly Potas March 11, 2024. There is a piece of history that is often swept under the rug, involving the United States and primarily Canada. The era of residential schools (often referred to as Canada’s Holocaust) will be forever branded in first nations minds. The movie Indian Horse shows the racism that first nations endured in the past, the sexual abuse many of these young students faced while attending school, and the trauma that comes with it that is passed down from generation to generation. The residential schools served as torture chambers …show more content…

Many of the children who were lucky enough to survive or escape these torture chambers, have many issues later on in life. Survivors often battle issues with alcohol and other substances. This vicious cycle can be carried on for generations. “The closing of the schools did not bring the residential school story to an end. Their legacy continues to this day. It is reflected in the significant disparities in education, income, and health between aboriginal people and other Canadians- disparities that condemn many aboriginal people to shorter, poorer, and more troubled lives.” (TRC, pg.129). This means people who were born way after the closing of the last school often still have to live with the effects that the governments placed upon the First Nation peoples. Saul also recalls how he would often try to “fly away” from all of his current troubles during the time he was enrolled in the residential school system. “I used the game to shelter me from seeing the truth, from having to face it every day. Later, after I was gone, the game kept me from remembering. As long as I could escape into it, I could fly away. Fly away and never have to land on the scorched earth of my boyhood.” (Campanelli, 2017). He still remembers the horrendous memories well after leaving the school, just like many students do, but like many students, he uses sports as a coping mechanism and to fly

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