Importance Of Yoga Essay

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oneself. The restlessness of the mind prevents one from having a positive, healthy, and balanced attitude towards life. Though Yoga has come into the forefront in recent years, its perspective, understanding and ignorance has distorted and degraded its value. It has become commercialized and probably its basic essence i.e. Mauna, is lost. Due to ignorance people gratify their personal whims by some pseudo adaptation of Yoga system. Thus, people are paying money to attend classes of gymnastic exercises and deep breathing and they are happy to think they can lengthen their life span by a few years. But few understand that this is not the actual Yoga system. Commercialism has clouded the real meaning of Yoga. Much of today’s restlessness is due to absence of silence in the outer and inner environment. There is clamor for activities both inside and outside of the mind. In such a whirlwind lifestyle, the soul feels suffocated and yearns for silence, for stillness. Mauna can create rejuvenating and spiritual environment. Growth of Vipassana centers all over the world vouches for this fact. Though all ancient scriptures and yogic …show more content…

spiritual union of the individual soul with the universal soul and is used in this sense in the Vedanta. The Bhagwat Gita defines Yoga as a state of equilibrium of mind- ‘SamatvamYoga Uchyate’) (समत्वं योग उच्यते) – a state wherein one is not disturbed by happenings in the environment, where the mind is held in a state of equipoise. According to Maharshi Patanjali, Yoga does not mean union in the sense explained above but spiritual effort to attain perfection through the control of the body, senses and mind and through right discrimination between Prakrti and Purusha. Aurobindo calls Yoga as a process of rising above one’s base nature to divinity. Swami Vivekananda calls Yoga as a tool for condensing the process of evolution of man to cosmic being or super

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