The Essential Role of Recess in Schools

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Time for Recess Why would schools want to cut student’s recess time out of the daily agenda? Perhaps, the faculty is unaware of the joy it raises for the children. More importantly, recess also raises other surprising factors. Every student loves recess because it gives them a break from the hard school day. However, recess does provide several benefits for the children. Recess time must remain in the schedule. If schools allow children time for recess, positive factors emerge such as, communicating and interacting with peers, increasing their health in the short and long term, and the possibility of a profound interest in a sport or physical activity. These several factors prove why students need recess. Recess gives children time for …show more content…

For the short term, recess gives children time develop their motor skills. For instance, a child may learn the coordination to run or jump during a game. Also, recess provides the opportunity for children to stay in great shape or possibly lose weight. Running and being physically active is a very effective way to burn calories. For long term benefits, recess gives children exercise that is needed to help reduce the lifelong risks of being overweight. Again, performing activities such as, climbing and jumping during the game of tag can shed calories. Therefore, exercise dilutes the overweight risks such as, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and so on. Finally, daily sprinting, throwing, or jumping can begin strengthening various muscle groups essential for lifelong use. These short and long-term benefits can be accomplished by keeping time for recess during the school …show more content…

Though most recess time is not for organized sport, it still may provide the opportunity for students to become interested in a new physical activity. For instance, a child may have enjoyed an activity they participated in during recess so much that they continue the activity after school. The growing interest in certain activities has created new clubs and organizations. These opportunities are abundant for example, city wide soccer and baseball leagues for all ages and, school sports teams. Finally, a passion for a sport could turn into career. For example, a child may love a game they played at recess so much so, that they begin to practice every day. This passion could turn into a professional athletic career or even a coaching career that teaches the game. Recess activities could form a strong new passion for a

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