Importance Of Religion In The Workplace

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Religion is a belief in, worship of, or obedience to a supernatural power or powers considered to be divine or to have control of human destiny. In some workplaces, they do not allow their employees to discuss religion in the workplace because of the different religious views. Under the First Amendment Americans enjoy freedoms with respect to religion which is the right to be free from a government-ruled religion and a right to practice any religion. While private employers are not forced by the Constitution's restrictions on government, they are subject to federal and state laws that ban religious discrimination in employment. The number of employed people and the different kinds of religious faith in this country, and the freedom we have to voice our views, the subject of religious discrimination continue to pose tough questions for employers and the courts.
Employers may hire employees of different countries and religious backgrounds. In an good work environment the religious beliefs of a employee, or of the employer, do not create conflicts. Either is free to practice their religion as he or she chooses and, as long as the work is done satisfactorily, neither will conflict due to that. In the real world, a number of issues can arise to create friction. An employer and employee may discuss or even argue over religious practices. Religion is not just a belief. The faithful practice their religion through various actions for instance the styles of dress, manner of keeping or wearing their hair, trying to involve others to their religion, doing certain diets, praise, avoiding certain language or behavior, and doing certain religious holidays. Simply put the many differences of different religions provide ample ground for disagreem...

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...them to cut their hair. A job may also have certain qualifications or requirements that have the effect of limiting participation by a particular religious faith. A radio station that played rock and roll music, for example, would be allowed to fire a disc jockey that refused to play rock and roll because it was against his religion.
Religion is a matter of belief and practice, and religious beliefs will rarely affect the duties of our employment. Yet the faithful also practice their religion, discussing it with others within and without their faith, and conducting themselves according to its principles. Federal and state law requires that employees not be treated unfairly because of religion. If you feel that you may be the victim of religious discrimination in the workplace, contact an employment law attorney to discuss your situation and protect your legal rights.

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