Importance Of Motivation To Productivity

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The Importance of Motivation to Productivity, Organizational Culture, and Job Satisfaction


Motivation in the workplace has a great effect on productivity. By motivating employees, a business can increase its productivity. According to Michaelson (2005), ”factors that individual workers regard as valuable need to be channeled or redirected to augment organizational productivity” (p. 235). There are several forms of motivation that can be used to increase productivity. Some motivational methods that could affect productivity are job engagement, goal-setting, and reinforcement. Knowing the connection between motivation and productivity can be crucial for employees to increase productivity levels. When employees are motivated they will work more efficiently and raise overall productivity. The first step for employers is choosing how to motivate their employees.

Forms of Motivation

There are many ways to motivate employees to increase their productivity. It is important for employers to find what will best …show more content…

One type of motivation tactic used to boost productivity is job engagement. According to the organizational business textbook, job engagement is “the investment of an employee’s physical, cognitive, and emotional energies into job performance” (Robbins & Judge, 2015, p.198). By getting an employee more involved in activities pertaining to their job, the employee is happier and the employee feels like they are an important part of the business, which in return makes employees care about the future of the business. Job engagement is important to employers because research has shown that having engaged employees makes the difference between a great company and a good one (Seijts, 2006). Leaders can motivate their employees by expressing to the employee how important they are to the outcome. When employees feel that they are integral to a project they are more likely to want to make the project succeed and therefore will produce

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