Importance Of Dining Etiquette

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INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT A CLOSER LOOK During the Middle Ages, dining etiquette was less subtle, making it much more digestible. Etiquette books from those times offered some rather direct guidelines, such as: “Refrain from falling upon the dish like a swine while eating, snorting disgustingly and smacking the lips,” or, “a number of people gnaw a bone and then put it back in the dish — this is a serious offense.” Those rules seem clear enough to follow. However, professional dining in today’s world is much more intricate. Dining is not just about enjoyment of eating delicious food. It is also about conversation, pleasant atmosphere, relaxation and conducting business. It is, in essence, an experience. Poor table manners can be a real deterrent to …show more content…

When you use a knife, the tip of your index finger should rest on the upper blade. 2. Don’t Talk or Text on Your PhoneCellphones should NOT be answered during a meal. In the event of an emergency, apologize beforehand for having to answer your phone. Then, leave the table and talk outside of the room. 3. Follow the Lead Follow the lead of your host. If your host orders a dessert, you can order a dessert. If your host orders alcohol, you may order alcohol unless you’ve been told otherwise. Following along demonstrates polite behavior and respect for your host. 4. Be Nice to EveryoneBeing nice to others in all scenarios is a very important rule of etiquette. You may not always know which fork is appropriate to use, but most people will forgive you for that small infraction. However, being rude to others is a behavior that is not easily overlooked. 5. Know How to Pass Foods are offered to the left, but passed to the right. If you need something you cannot reach, politely ask the person closest to the

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