Importance Of Adultery

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As individuals coming from different backgrounds of cultural and social influences, we are responsible for the transition from traditional to modern views on social concepts such as adultery. The act of adultery possesses a different meaning and understanding to different people. The question of whether adultery is immoral is a topic that many debate on. Some people will place limitations on relationships and mutually decide on when adultery occurs. This paper will be discussing the traditional views of the reasons why as well as when adultery is immoral and conclude with modern views on what makes adultery immoral. Throughout this paper I will attempt to argue with support that adultery is not immoral in cases where one sees sex as a form of expression of love. This paper will also focus on marital relationships and not relationships in any other form.
According to Webster’s dictionary the definition of …show more content…

The popular argument he defines is that adultery is morally wrong because there is a promise that is broken (Wasserstrom, 1985, p.241). Wasserstrom is careful to include that this argument falls low when both spouses consent to each other’s action and is okay with the other spouse engaging in sexual relations with another person relating to the type of marriage that forms which is ‘open marriage’ (Wasserstrom, 1985, p.247). To support Wasserstrom’s main argument he depicts within his work is that he considers that if adultery occurs it may or may not be immoral depending on the circumstances. I agree with his argument because I feel that marriages now are not the normal traditional marriages that you find now, it has many compromises and spouses support one another with each other’s needs and wants. However the in cases where adultery is not immoral would be when society connects sexual intercourse with romantic

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