Importance Of A Good Role Model Essay

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Everyone has that one person who they look up to and want to be. They possess those qualities that we want and have changed who we are. So whenever our role models do, say, or like something, we automatically tend to follow and agree with what that. Sometimes we even try to mimic them, which is why choosing a good role model is very important. Of course no one is perfect and everyone has their bad qualities, but I think its better to try to steer away from that and look at all the positive things they can bring, not just look at how attractive and rich they are. Three important things to look at when picking a good role model is their lives, personality, and message. These things show you what kind of a person they are and their intentions. A role model should be sincere and not out for there own good but the good of others. A role model has the ability to shape the views and actions of someone. Role models help people discover who they want to be. The influence that role models have over people is exacerbating. So it is important for role models to be positive and responsible, because future generations directly dependent on the role models of today. To show that having a good role model is important, i’ll be comparing the actresses Jennifer Lawrence and Lindsay Lohan. This will show that Jennifer Lawrence is a better role model and that she can bring positive messages to anyone who looks up to her.
Jennifer Lawrence is a 23 year old, American actress born in Louisville Kentucky. She graduated from high school two years early with a 3.9 average. At the age of fourteen she decided to pursue an acting career and made her big debut on “The Bill Engvall Show.” This got her a Young Artist Award for Outstanding Young Performer in a T....

... middle of paper ... ... I don't want little girls to be like, 'Oh, I want to look like Katniss, so I'm going to skip dinner.' That's something I was really conscious of during training, when you're trying to get your body to look exactly right. This is a good message to send to young girls because body image is a huge issue that is mainly caused by the media. So its nice seeing that an actress will go out of her way to not be apart of this issue and to hopefully make an impact. It teaches people to be happy with themselves and that you don’t have to be anorexic to be considered beautiful. So what has she done to comply with this statement? Well she actually has said she won’t diet for roles and has done just that. So in a sea of young women who use their sexuality as some kind of media weapon, it is great to be able to hold up Jennifer Lawrence as the poster girl for young women.

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