Impact of the FIFA Worldcup2010 in South Africa

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The 2010 FIFA World cup had a huge impact on South Africa; politically, economically, and culturally as it brought a boost to the entire country and a new sense of pride and unity to the South African citizens. This worldwide event created a base of recovery for a problem plagued country from past issues such as the Apartheid. South Africa, a middle economy country and provider of many natural resources such as gold, diamonds, platinum, phosphate, etc., was chosen as the first African country to host a FIFA World Cup over other countries in Africa like Egypt and Morocco, who were both also tipped to be chosen to host back in 2004. Being chosen to host this event, meant that South Africa had to become culturally open to many racial differences in order to abide by FIFA’s rules to be able to accommodate tourists, important athletes, and important figures from all over the world leading to having the entire country appreciate the force of unity that sport brought to them, as Nelson Mandela had encouraged for much of his life. The 2010 FIFA World Cup served as an opportunity for a country that had experienced many problems under the Apartheid to improve in all aspects, and with a tournament as big as the FIFA World Cup in their country it created a sense of union not only in South Africa but also for the entire world.
The Apartheid in South Africa was a form of legalized segregation with a general preference that had the White above everyone else. The idea of White Supremacy in an African country was very controversial as the majority of the country was black and only the government officials were white. The racial segregation that the Apartheid enforced segregated everyone and the rights of man throughout the country, which is why...

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...try, as it is a form of unity that is brought along with economic boost as well. Many questioned South Africa’s ability to host such a big event, with unemployment, poverty, high crime rates, and still some disagreement after its transition to desegregate. FIFA spent over $1.2 billion on just the World Cup, disregarding the fact that they also spent even more money for preparations and also the Confederations Cup that also took place in South Africa. The money that was spent not only impacted the tournament itself, but according to FIFA’s financial report, the transport infrastructure was the biggest cost as $1.3 billion was dedicated just to improve the transportation; roads, rail, air links, etc. Even before the World Cup started, statistics show that the government earned around $400 million from more than 300,000 tourists that visited before the World Cup.

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