Similarities Between The Jim Crow And The Apartheid System

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The Jim Crow system in the United States compared to the apartheid system in South Africa were very similar to each other. The Jim Crow system was just another way for white people to control the blacks. Blacks were no longer in slavery but were dependent on their former owners because they were not given any resources to start a new life on their own. The Jim Crow system is when segregation between blacks and whites legally began; it was as if they were in two separate worlds for two different types of human beings. The Jim Crow laws required separate but equal opportunities for the black people. The black people were not allowed to use the same facilities as the whites; the bathrooms were separate, the drinking fountains, their designated …show more content…

The difference is that this segregation was not just between whites and blacks; it was among whites, and all the other races. The races were broken up into four categories: whites, Africans, Asians, and coloreds. How the people lived in South Africa depended on the race the person was. Everything was affected from education, employment, medical care and even where that person lived depended on their race. The apartheid was established to keep up white dominance in this country.
Both systems were in the racial caste system of stratification. They both had laws that encouraged segregation between the races. They both had resources available for the one 's they considered in the lower classes, but the resources were not in the best quality. They both did not believe interracial marriage to be acceptable in their societies. Most importantly, they both had the belief that whites were the superiors to …show more content…

The assumption of citizens having power in the political process is correct to a certain extent. Citizens do gain power in the political process by participating, but it must be done in the masses to be successful in getting what they want. Individually, the people have very little say on what goes on, however, every person 's vote counts and will make some difference in the outcome. If every person participated in the political process, they would have more power towards electing political officials, choosing what laws are passed, and they also have the ability to get public issues noticed when they feel they are being neglected. On the other hand, even if every person in the country voted, there is still that possibility that the people could be ignored due to a bigger and louder voice known as the wealthy. The people who have most of the power to affect the political process are the few people in the world that hold most of the wealth. These people have the ability to convince congressional representatives to vote against a certain law that is not in favor of the wealthy. They do this by supporting the political officials financially by donating money for their campaigns. Overall, citizens do have some power in the political process and have the ability to force the politicians to hear their opinions, but there is always the chance that the wealthy can overrule the people 's vote with the power of their

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