Impact On Landfills

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More Waste Leads To Less Space

Landfills are a place to dispose of waste material by burying it and covering it over with soil, especially as a method of filling in or taking up usable land. Landfills are a bigger issue in this world than people realize. Everyday people are harming the environment more and more just by their waste. By producing enormous amounts of waste the environment is being harmed and all living things are being damaged including humans. Landfills impact the world drastically. There are many causes for the use of landfills as well as many environmental effects from them. Even though there is a significant amount of damage done to the world from landfills it is never too late to fix this issue with any of the many solutions. …show more content…

But it’s not that simple. Becoming eco-friendly is more than just being “friendly” to the environment- even Rinkesh agrees that “being eco-friendly goes far beyond just turning off lights when you leave the room or separating your garbage for recycling – it is about changing the purpose of how you live.” (2016) Although a lot of human waste goes to landfills there is now a way to use this trash and turn it into energy, based on the information given by “How landfills benefit society” (2013) this statement is true. One must change his/her habits with how they dispose of waste and how they use natural resources. Every human needs to become eco-friendly to help better the future and ensure that life will be sustainable on earth in many years to come. Becoming eco-friendly could be the first step to a better and healthier …show more content…

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