The Benefits of Recycling

617 Words2 Pages

Cluttered trash filled parks, waste filled rivers, and town sized landfills and that is what awaits the people of earth if nothing is done to aid in the efforts to keep the world clean and recycling is one best and most beneficial ways to do just that. The truth is a frightening thing however it is true if we don’t act to improve our habits soon it might just be a reality, recycling should be mandatory for all households in order to prevent this trash filled grim future.

If it were required for each household to recycle environments would improve dramatically. Landfills could one day in the distant future become parks, wildlife would be in less danger, and the world would be an all-around cleaner nicer place to live.

Recycling has many benefits not only does it help the environment by reducing the amount of landfills witch cost tax payer dollars in addition to ruining the environment around them. It can help reduce the cost of making a new product such a plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and paper. In addition to this some recycling companies will pay citizens a small amount f...

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