Informative Speech: Recycling May Be Bad For the Environment

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Specific Purpose: To inform the audience that recycling may be bad for the environment

Attention Getter: Most of the people present here today probably recycle; some more than others. And probably, most people assume that they are saving natural resources and helping the environment. However, this is not always true.

Thesis: There are many myths about recycling.

Preview: Today in my speech, I will give you facts that may surprise you and that you've probably never heard about landfills, natural resources, and energy conservation.

Transition: Everyone has seen or heard people saying that ?we are running out of landfill space and that they are polluting our environment.?


I. This statement is not true.

a. Firstly, we are not in danger of running out of landfill space. According to Jay Lehr PhD, in the April issue of public policy magazine, Intellectual Ammunition, ?all the garbage we will generate in the next 10 centuries will require less than 35 square miles to a height of only 300 feet.? Also, according to Daniel Benjamin of PERC Reports, ?the United States has more landfill space then ever before.?

b. Another myth about landfills is that they are poisoning the soil and our water supply. Even the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, says modern landfills pose little to no risk to humans. Modern landfills are built on a thick foundation of clay and plastic liners. Also, the methane gas produced in biodegradation is often...

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