Immorality Is Wrong

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Being strong takes no wrong A lot of prisons are overpopulated in America do with people taking part in immoral actions which lead to consequential defines immorality as being unethical and violating moral principles.Immoral actions under no circumstances are acceptable.Being immoral can lead to being untrustworthy,and hurting people in the process.However, even when you can a learn lesson ,it is still deceitful. To emphasize,being unethical and immoral can lead to losing other’s trust ,and being labeled as untrustworthy.When I was in the second grade I brought cookies to school.As I took out my bag to eat for snack time,the cookies were missing.Right next to me was another kid in my class who held the exact same package of cookies,and he swore he didn’t take them even though he did.As a result,my trust in him disintegrated. For most people it takes a while before they make their trust available to others, so when given trust it should not be taken for granted. Furthermore,your actions and choices can cause harm to others. …show more content…

As evidence, people that have been arrested for their immoral crimes, like robbing or for crimes worse,have torn their families apart.Significantly, your actions and how you react to specific matters could deeply affect others. Committing a federal offense could cost you your whole family.Not all lessons are worth learning not when you could lose the people you care about. In summary, however you choose to react to situations can lead to a lesson and a

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