If We Have Forgotten That We Belong To Each Other

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The quote “If We Have No Peace, It Is Because We Have Forgotten That We Belong to Each Other” was spoken by Mother Teresa, the founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic congregation of women dedicated to helping the poor. She was considered one of the greatest humanitarians of the 20th century and she was just canonized as “Saint Teresa of Calcutta” in 2016. As a Roman Catholic, the quote presents a beautiful principle - simply stated “WE belong to each other.” I chose to capitalize the word WE because this planet was given to US with intentions to be shared by ALL; all aspects, both good and bad. In essence, one cannot share with him or herself – one can only share with another person or persons. By definition, that’s what the word “share” means. It is rooted in the notion that WE must discipline ourselves to remember that WE belong to each other in both public and private live, in both local and global …show more content…

Compassion for others only comes naturally when we think of the innocent young children going to bed hungry because there is no food in their home, veterans forced to live on the street and endure the inclement weather because they lack the funds necessary for adequate shelter or housing, victims of poverty and war, or victims the rape – vandalism – theft – etc. But what if WE are looking with the blind eye, WE will not reach out and help those who need help, instead of casting stones on those who can’t or who need. WE belong to a collective society and remembering that negativity is only created and fueled by US – in return positivity should only be created and continued by US. WE are here to create a culture of change for

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