I Want To Pursue A Degree In Language Arts Education

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As I began my education many years ago, I entered with confidence. My future was bright and I was ready for the educational journey. During that journey, my future fell right before my eyes. I could not believe how fast it all goes by Looking back on those years, I remember who and what I once wanted to be. I was a child who always had the dream of being a teacher. I used to play teacher while my little cousins and they would be the students when we were little and I knew I wanted to pursue a degree in elementary education. As a student, I always loved language arts and have great desire to enrich my knowledge in language arts education. My last hope is one day I would like to become a useful resource person in my community as a professional …show more content…

I remember my experience in such a transition strongly, as it was only a short time ago. I have grown up in a family where both my parents do not have a college degree. Most of my family members have never went to college and that is what has pushed me to attend and finish college. It was not naturally expected that I would go to college but for my own benefit I chose to pursue higher education. I have had some obstacles that were hard for me to get through but I just had to keep reminding myself that it will all pay off in the end. The hardest part was getting settled into my new place in the dorms. My roommate seemed nice and it was a little scary for me to move in somewhere unfamiliar and with someone I hardly knew. My roommate was from another state and was very different from me. She ate different kinds of foods, dressed different from me, studied different, and had different hobbies than me. I began to ignore her because she was different. This is when I experienced multicultural education. According to Sensoy and DiAngelo, “While there are variations in approaches to multicultural education, Banks and Banks (1995) define it as: a field of study whose major aim is to create equal educational opportunities for students from diverse racial, ethnic, social-class, and cultural groups.” The school and teachers never treated her different in class, never graded her papers differently, and taught her the …show more content…

I worked full-time to support myself, knowing that I could not ask my parents for money due to their own financial problems at home. I began dealing with a lot of stress and my confidence level dropped drastically. There were times when I cried almost every day and felt that I wanted to quit but I have stuck with it and give everything I do a 100 percent effort. According to Rachel Naomi Remen, “That which uses us strengthens us. Over time we burn out. Service is renewing. When we serve, our work itself will sustain us. I got burnt out but I kept pushing myself to get through the rough times. While living on my own, I had to provide for myself and had to buy and cook my own food. I never had to buy my own groceries before and I did not realize how much food can cost for you to live. A trip to the local grocery store meant that my pantry was well stocked, but restocking it was another matter. I soon found myself planted firmly in a routine of ramen noodles, frozen pizza, and TV dinners. While not the healthiest of diets, they did give me energy to make it through a whole day of work and

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