I Want To Be A Dental Hygienist

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From gaps between teeth, eight extracted teeth, an incisor broke in half, root canals, gum laser treatments, to four years of braces and counting, the amount of time I have spent in my local dentist office is extensive. You would think that’s the last place I’d be spending my time pursuing my career at, but that’s exactly what I plan to do. After job shadowing and talking to my dental hygienist at Flat River Family Dentistry, my aspirations were only confirmed. I would like to go to the University of Michigan and pursue dental hygiene. As a first year student at the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, my potential is not limited to the classroom. LSA offers a wide variety of service learning opportunities for me to stay involved in what I love most-- helping those in need. Through the Ginsberg Center, Project Community, and Project Outreach, I can engage in the Ann Arbor community, not only academically, but socially as well in a way that encourages positive change for the well-being of others and the community overall. My time wouldn't be completely tied down to class work and volunteering. There's an abundance of opportunities for me to stay active while playing the …show more content…

This has held me back from numerous experiences during my education and is an aspect that I intend to change so I will not have to carry it on into my career. I know that The University of Michigan, and LSA specifically, is the right path for me. Having deeply rooted commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, LSA will provide me the direct exposure I long for in order for me to further progress my education and career in dental hygiene. I will be learning and moving forward in my education alongside people from not just other parts of America, but the world as well. They'll all shed a new light into my perspective, each leaving their own footprint in my path to

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