Hypertension (Hystolic Blood Pressure (SBP)

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Hypertension is a general disease that is basically defined as continual elevated arterial blood pressure (BP).1 Blood pressure measurement for adults in the absence of acute end organ damage are classified as follows: Normal blood pressure is indicated if Systolic blood pressure (SBP) is less than 120mmHg and Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) is lower than 80mmHg and required to be rechecked in two years, Prehypertension is defined if SBP is between 120-139mmHg or DBP within 80-89mmHg and required to recheck in one year, stage 1 hypertension is defined as SBP between 140 -159mmHg or DBP of 90-99mmHg and need to be proven within 2 months and Stage 2 hypertension is SBP of 160mmHg or higher or a DBP of 100mgHg or higher and need to …show more content…

Certain factors contribute to the chances of having this disease. The risk factors include the following, Advance age, gender, the disease is generally common in men than women up until age 45 years.2,5 Within the ages of 45 and 65 years of age the number of women and men with hypertension is almost the same.5 Other contributing risk factors are disease states such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, family history with cardiovascular disease or early death of cardiovascular disease, too much consumption of salt in diet, smoking, sleep apnea, obesity, high carbohydrate intake, high calories consumption, and fatty diet with low essential nutrients.5 Excess alcohol intake, physical inactivity and psychological factors such as stress are also risk factors for hypertension. Never the less certain prescription such as corticosteroids, anti-depressants (especially buspirone or venlafaxine) , Non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs, and non- prescription drug such as herbal products can also cause an elevated blood pressure. Our Patient JJ has some risk factors that may have contributed or predisposed him to this disease called hypertension. His father died of heart attack at the age of 50, mother alive with hypertension, diabetes and hypocholesteremia, brother died of heart failure at …show more content…

JJ faces the risks of complications of heart failure, stroke, coronary artery disease and death if not well monitored, managed or treated. There is no cure for hypertension but hypertension can be properly managed. According to JNC 8 classification of hypertension JJ ,can be classified as a stage one hypertension patient since his blood pressure is 159/90mmg .The primary goal of therapy for Hypertension is to lower the blood pressure back to normal to avoid progression of the disease to the next stage and decrease hypertension-related morbidity and mortality.1,6Based on the 8th National committee (JNC) , the guideline for the management of hypertension recommends a target goals of less than 140/90 mmHg for patient less than 60 years of

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