Hush Movie Analysis

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Hush is a movie about a young, deaf author named Madison (Maddie) Young. She has chosen to live in an isolated cabin deep in the woods with her cat where she survives off money from her book sales. She does have neighbors, though, Sarah and John, a married couple who she seems to be relatively close to and have a great relationship with. Her neighbor, Sarah, comes to visit and return a newly released book that Maddie authored and give her opinion of the book. She tells Maddie how she has been practicing her sign language and even signs a few phrases to Maddie. Sarah says she and her husband have signed up for another class so they can become more proficient when they share company, even though Maddie says it is unnecessary because she can read lips so well. They converse for a while until the fire …show more content…

The fire alarm has been customized for a person with difficulty hearing like Maddie. Sarah does not treat Maddie as though she has a disability or chronic illness. We learn early in the movie that Maddie contracted bacterial meningitis at the age of 13, which caused hearing loss and temporary vocal paralysis. During surgery to repair this loss of hearing and speech, there were complications which caused the hearing and speech loss to be permanent. Afterwards, she felt she was isolated and turned to writing as another form of communication and coping. This is also how she was able to maintain a positive outlook about her life. After Sarah commends Maddie tells Sarah she is able to write such great stories, because she hears a voice in her brain that tells the stories she writes. The voice sounds like her mother. I believe this another way Maddie has learned to deal with being deaf. (Rappaport, 2016). She works on a new book she is writing throughout the evening and into the night. She takes a break from her book writing to clean up her earlier mess in the kitchen. At this time as she is cleaning, she is oblivious to anything going on outside of

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