Hurricane Katrina And Typhoon Haiyan Case Study

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Having investigated the case studies of two natural disasters, Hurricane Katrina & Typhoon Haiyan, I have noticed that MEDCs and LEDCs respond much differently to a certain situation. Katrina and Haiyan both happened in countries with contrasting levels of economic development, therefore reacting much differently to the circumstances. In this essay, I will be discussing the various reasons to why LEDCs and MEDCs behave in such a contradictory manner. LEDCs have fewer resources and infrastructure than MEDCs. This means that when a natural disaster occurs, the response is slower, rebuilding is slower and there are many more lifelong injuries and deaths. LEDCs have less money provided by the government, therefore won't have the money to fix the damage. The buildings in LEDCs are often poorly designed and constructed, leading to greater destruction. The poor infrastructure is easily damaged due to all means of communication like roads and bridges being destroyed. Furthermore, more lives could be lost due to the spreading of diseases. With such extreme lacks of sanitation, clean water...

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