Humorous Wedding Speech

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So the worse has happened, please don’t feel sad for too long. The next couple of weeks is going to be very challenging, you guys will meet lots of new faces it’s okay they are all trustworthy. I consolidated all my finances and paper work before I left to make tracking everything easy for you guys. To my beautiful and humble wife I sit here tonight a happy man thinking about our wonderful 27 years of marriage. Together we have jumped through many obstacles and accomplished many things, I am most thankful of our amazing children. I want you to know my heart is full of joy; you made me the happiest husband in the whole wide world. You were my strength during my weakest hours; the light at the end of my tunnel, you were my motivation in everything I did. Everything I am today is because of you, your constant support meant the world. Thank you for not only pushing, but challenging me since kindergarten. You’ve spent your entire life following and adapting to my lifestyle …show more content…

Thank you for making my jobs as a parent so easy, continue being so nice and polite. You have such a bright future ahead of you, take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. That final breakfast we had in Syracuse when you told me you planned on marrying that special girl of yours was the happiest I have ever seen you. Your mother loves her, if she approves I definitely approve. I feel complete knowing I am leaving you in the hands of a beautiful, intelligent young woman. Learn from my mistakes, make sure she is always happy and well taken care of. I want you to always remember what I have taught you, never let your guard down to strangers. I love you so much son, I wish you the best of luck as you serve our great country I will always be looking down on you. I have one final request, please take care of your mother make sure she’s happy. Don’t ever let anyone mistreat her and always listen to her she knows

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