Humorous Wedding Speech

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“Mr. Stone, it is time.” It was a cold January morning. The breeze blew through the trees, picking up the remaining leaves that had survived the early Winter, draining the colors from the beautiful city of Washington D.C. Before I stood up, I went through the main points of my speech and processed everything that was going on around me. I heard claps and shouts and saw blue, red, and white banners decorated with stripes and stars. Everything moved slowly as if time had suddenly stopped. I could not believe it, after months of campaigning and preparation, I finally did it. I finally got elected as President of the United States. I slowly stood up, fixed my tie, and walked towards the podium with my head held up high while the crowd roared. “Congratulations Mr. Stone, you did it!” “It would not have been possible without you, Samuel. Thank you again for managing my campaign and always having faith in me”. “Thank you Mr. Stone, good luck out there.” I politely nodded and went on towards the podium as I greeted my crowd with smiles and waves. I tapped the microphone, cleared my throat …show more content…

It is cold, so I promise to be brief. I want to start by thanking everyone who stood by my side throughout my campaign. I would not be standing here delivering this speech if it were not for my wife Emily, my son Richard, my daughter Sophia, Samuel my campaign manager, and many others as well. I began with a few votes, and eventually started gaining recognition through publicity and the debates. Every proposal and promise that I made these last months will come to be. Like each and every one of you, I seek the greatest future for this nation; and like all of you standing before me, I am a citizen of this great country, and my primary concern is serving the state. I hope that together we can lead this country to a better future, and that God will guide me in the years yet to come. Thank you, and may God bless

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