Humorous Wedding Essay

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I believe that there is nothing wrong with telling someone that you love them. Telling someone that you love them is letting them know that you care about them; it’s almost like a constant reminder. It could make their day and make them feel good about themselves. I usually tell my family that I love them more often then I tell my friends because I’m around them all the time. It doesn’t matter what time or what’s going on, I just tell them. I usually say it at random times and my family members would have a weird look on their face but, reply with “ I love you too”. I’ve said it so many times that it becomes natural for me to say. It’s not like my family never says it at all it’s just that I say it at random moments. For example, if we are all together watching tv then I would say it. …show more content…

My family is very close and we are usually in the same room when it comes to cooking, cleaning, or eating dinner. My parents have always valued family time and I’ve grown to appreciate it. I view my family as very important people in my life and I show them that they are by telling them that I love them every day. It’s become a habit for me and I think it’s a good one to have. I think that I’ve developed this habit because my dad loves to watch shows about homicides and cops looking for evidence to find the criminal; the first 48 is his favorite to watch. When he cuts it on it instantly saddens the good mood that everyone had. Besides ruining the positive atmosphere, it showed me life lessons such as; be cautious when it comes to your surroundings and who you associate yourself with. The most important lesson that stuck out to me was that you should tell someone that you love them because you never know when their time will

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