Quinlan Family Research Paper

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Quinlan Family The race was off! To see who would become a king, three boats raced to Ireland and my ancestor was on it! Sadly, the other boat touched land first and they almost won (wait for it!!). But my ancestor had other plans. He took his sword, cut off his hand, and threw it to the beach past the boat that touched the ground! Yes, you heard me, my ancestor cut his hand off and threw it on a beach to become a king! And become a he did! Because of this story, the Quinlan family crest has a hand right in the middle of it. My family consists of many qualities: discipline, bravery, education, humor, pride, and being very, very tenacious. I see them as my absolute perfect family even when they are sometimes really annoying. One of our points of pride is that my family consists of many of war heroes. Because of it we have stories to tell about them, my uncle and his platoon were stuck from enemy fire. So he picked up one of his friends that was hurt, then took a machine gun and charged out with his platoon and made it home safely. This just goes to show that my family is very brave. Another is when the same uncle …show more content…

What we probably do the most together is eat, every night my family comes together and eats at our table. The family rule about eating is,”If you don’t come to the table, you are not getting food”. Now, I’ve tried to challenge this rule once, and it did not end well. We also shop together, we go to a variety of stores, which include Target, Under Armor, Puma, Nike, and so many more. I love shopping because when I see something I like, I can persuade anybody. And when I say anybody, I mean anybody, my mom calls me a little businessman because of it. On Fridays, we go out to eat at the Bonefish Grill and I get the chicken fingers. The chicken fingers are really good. The big point that I’m trying to get to you guys is that my family spends a lot of time together and we all love each

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