Human Reflection

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Throughout the semester, the goal was to form an opinion on what it means to be human. In our first writing assignment on the first day of class, we were asked what it means to be human, and I wrote, “The desire to better ourselves is what makes us human.” The development of my writing style throughout the semester was a reflection of my desire to better myself through education. On the first day of class, we were asked to write down what it is that makes us human, and as my response, I wrote that the ability and desire to grow and develop is what makes us human. Humans thrive, because we have the knowledge to communicate and find ways to outdo each other and to outdo other species. What separates the humans from other animals is our ability …show more content…

At the start of the semester, I struggled mostly with using summarizations of the book as evidence, rather than elaborating on my own ideas. My second paper, for example, can be considered more of a summary of the book Frankenstein, rather than an argumentative essay on the dangers of the acquisition of knowledge. By the third paper, I was aware of my struggle with summarizing the text, rather than arguing my point, so I did a better job at making an argument. Along with starting off the semester by mainly summarizing the text, I struggled with using topic sentences. In my second paper, my paragraphs had no definite beginning and ending sentences; they were simply continuations of the following paragraph. My third and fourth essays had stronger topic and conclusion sentences, allowing me to stick more closely with my thesis, rather than drifting away from what was asked. Though I feel that I could greatly improve in providing evidence and having stronger topic sentences, I believe that I have greatly improved throughout this semester. I had started this semester very weak in my abilities of elaborating on a topic and providing strong topic and conclusion sentences, and though I still have more room to develop these skills, I have become a stronger writer after developing these

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