How to Survive Without a Vehicle

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How to Survive Without a Vehicle

Cars, trucks, motorcycles, anything with wheels and a motor, have become basic necessities in our industrialized and fast paced world. We depend on them just like they depend on gas, because without them, we would not function proficiently. We use them as a crutch to get to and from everywhere we go and if we suddenly did not have them, we would be lost.

These pointers should keep your life in check if your vehicle was to suddenly break down or taken away by your parents, for you teenagers out there.

1) Call for a ride. Your phone still works doesn’t it? Any good and loyal friend would be happy to offer their services to help you out. Offer gas money for their trouble. They will probably refuse, but it is the courteous and friendly thing to do.

2) Walk or ride a bike. Chances are, your legs still work too, even though you might not want to use them. In our overly obese nation, it is a good way to get out there and get your heart beating and your blood pumping while getting to where you’re going at the same time. Who knows? You may even inspire an overweight friend or even a complete stranger to get out there and follow your example. And you don’t even have to pay for gas!

3) Public Transportation. Go to the bus stop! Sure, it may not be your style but it’s a cheap way to get from here to there and it doesn’t take too much longer than driving your own vehicle anyway. You can also bet that there will be some pretty funny and interesting characters in there too. After all, people watching is a great way to make time fly if you think bus riding is slow.

4) Call or hail a taxi. (For people who live in bigger cities) They may be a little bit pricy, but those taxi drivers will be sure to get you to where you are going as fast as they can. The faster they drop you off, the faster they can pick up another vehicle-less person and get some of their money.

5) Hitchhike! Now personally, I don’t recommend this one. You never know what kind of weirdo would want to pick you up on the side of the road, but who knows? Maybe you’ll get lucky and it’ll be a cute girl just looking for some company.

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