America Needs More Public Transportation

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America Needs More Public Transportation

Automobiles play a major role in today's society. Almost every American owns at least one motorized transportation vehicle. Some say they make our lives better by reaching places faster than before. Others say they are a harmful to the environment. Have they made our society better or worse? They may be fast, but do we as humans want our environment to suffer because of time. Face it, cars pollute. And they release destructive chemicals into the air. Air pollution can threaten the health of many subjects in the environment including human beings.

Pollution is a major problem for all of us. People need to recognize this situation so we can start making a difference to this problem. In order to start making a difference, the federal government should increase gasoline tax by one dollar a gallon. Fifty percent of this dollar will go towards public transportation, since passenger cars and trucks are a major contribution towards air pollution, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, E.P.A (10/4, Due to the expected increase after this is put forth, the remaining fifty percent of the dollar will go towards safety on these transits. When public transportation increases, air pollution will decrease, which will lessen the harmful health risks towards the environment.

Air pollution can be decreased by lessening the amount of tailpipe emissions, which refers to the pollution which is created as a by-product of the engine combustion process and from the evaporation of the fuel itself, as stated on the web-site of the United States E.P.A (10/4, This refers to the actual fue...

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... this fact, people need to identify this problem and deal with it. By increasing the gasoline tax by one dollar, we will eventually fix it. Public transportation and safety on these transit ways will help with this dangerous effect on the environment. Air pollution cannot be stopped, but it can be softened over time.

Works Cited

Bowles, Scott and Fred Bayles. "Buses, Trains very hard to safeguard." USA Today October 2001: 20-22

Public Transportation. City of Huntsville, Alabama. 8 October 2001.

Reducing Vehicle Pollution. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 4 October 2001.

Riding CTA. Chicago Transit Authority. 8 October 2001.

Ten killed in bus crash after passenger slits driver's throat. News. 5 October 2001.

Thirty-five Largest Bus Transit Agencies. American Public Transportation Association. 3 October 2001.

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