Global Warming: Causes And Solutions To Climate Change

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Many change and influences are being been concerned since average temperature has changed. While global warming is occurring, global temperatures and climate patterns are changing across the entire world. That some effects started appearing across a spread of countries is a result of human activities such as burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and agriculture result in climate change all of the problems can be addressed by reducing energy consumption, curbing clear logging, and eating less meat.
It seems that most of the warming started from the mid-twenty century is owing to greenhouse gases (GHG) such a carbon dioxide as a result of activities. European Environment Agency (2016, February 24) informed that the global temperature has risen …show more content…

Farmers cleared away the trees for farm animals to graze which means deforestation is caused by growth. Forests assume a huge role in the carbon cycle on our planet. When forests are slashed down, not only does carbon absorption cease, but also the carbon which was stored in the burned trees is released into the atmosphere as CO2. Small crops for instance plants and agricultural crops also draw in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, however forests store up to 100 times more carbon than agricultural fields of the same zone. “It is estimated that more than 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide are released to the atmosphere due to deforestation and over 30 million acres of forests and woods are lost every year” Conserve Energy Future …show more content…

One of important steps people can minimize to conserve energy. The people drive cars and trucks also produce significant amounts of nitrogen oxide emissions. To help cut down on air pollution from cars, you can consolidate driving trips, carpool or take public transportation, such as buses and trains. On the other hand, most of people incline to have a possessive instinct or having vehicle brings them a sense of reassurance. When possible, consider walking or biking instead of

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