How Year Round Schools Work

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There are various models of YRS that can be implemented, all of which are reconfigurations of the traditional, nine-month calendar. In some areas these models are known as alternative or modified calendars (Shields & Oberg, 2000) and they all have unique characteristics. Because of theses differences, school systems should spend some time analyzing which model will be best for their particular school; educators may find that some models work better than others depending on the school. Estimates on the exact number of year round schedules vary, although it has been estimated that at least 50 different scheduling patterns exist (Palmer & Bemis, 1999). The most common alternatives include the single track calendar and the multi-track calendar.

The Single Track Calendar

In the single track model, which is the most popular of the two, all students and teachers in a particular school attend classes and have breaks/vacations on the same schedule. According to Shields and Oberg, “it is introduced almost exclusively for educational reasons” (2000, 11). A more common single track model is the 45-15 schedule which consists of four nine-week terms (45 days) separated by four three-week vacations (15 days each).

The Multi-track Calendar

The multi-track calendar divides the entire student body and staff into different tracks or groups so that when one group is on vacation the other tracks are attending school.

When that particular group returns from vacation, another track will go on vacation leaving the other tracks in school and so on. A calendar such as this is implemented in response to overcrowded schools, and allows for more students to attend one school. It has also been suggested that single-track YRS serves well as a transition to multi-track YRS (Shields & Oberg, 2000; Stenvall, 2003; Thomas, 1973). Either way both schedules offer more efficient use of school facilities, which is definitely a positive.


Both single-track calendars and multi-track calendars make use of intersessions. As previously stated, these are the actual 3 week breaks occurring throughout the year that were rescheduled from the traditional summer vacation. Year-round education offers students the chance for instructional time during these vacation periods for the purposes of enrichment, pre-teaching, and remediation. Because intersessions occur more frequently remediation can occur in sequence, thus offering a student help in a timely manner.

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