How To Read Neil Gaiman

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Growing up, I used to love reading books. Every day, I would pick a book and read for hours on end. That is because I am a slow reader. Naturally, my interest in reading declined and I picked up a couple of new hobbies, watching movies and TV shows. Later on, I would begin reading comic books and playing video games as a pastime as well. During my high school years, I had watched many movies & TV shows, read every comic I got my hands on, and played every game I could buy with my pocket money, and as I noticed that there’s a story written in every one of them. I’m always clamoring for a new story. My introduction to Neil Gaiman was through his work as a writer on the comic book series The Sandman. I was amazed by how well-written the comic …show more content…

Instead of viewing writing as an unwanted necessity, I began to see it as a tool for expression. This change of paradigm, inspired me to start writing in a journal every single day. Starting with Gaiman’s work, I started to re-read his books. I would focus on his sentence structure and use of specific words. I would look up any words that I did not understand, and begin using them in both writing and well as talking. Every day, my writing would get a little bit better. Gaiman had so many allusions to many different mythologies in English, Scandinavian and Greek folklore. I started to study each of his references, so that not only will I be able to pick up these references while reading but also use similar allusions to my writing as well. I gave attention to what I was writing, because what I write reflected who I am as a person. I started writing about things I wanted to write. I even alluded to some movies or video games in my writing as well, because that is what I watch and I want to show that in my writing. Having increased my reading input, I had a much better understanding of what made good writing and what

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