My stomach turns as my name echoes through the air. It was time for my turn. At this moment, I felt unprepared. Regret rushed through me. I should have read through this essay again, or stayed up longer the night before. Was there a way around this? Sweat fell from my face. Suddenly, I’m reminded of a nightmare I had as a child. I had been screaming in the middle of the street, though no sound came out. My old fear of public speaking has returned. I felt years’ worth of special education classes, and speech classes were for nothing. This workshop was my first major test of post-secondary education. I could not fail. Taking a deep breath, I stood up and read my essay. Thinking back, I remembered how I dealt with my past academic struggles. …show more content…
I had surgery to correct a vision problem, and ear tubes to help with ear infections. By intervening with these issues, contribute a lot to catching up with my peers. My parents, especially my mother, were deeply involved in helping me succeed. She attended meetings, keep informed on my progress, and most importantly was my biggest support system. Even from an early age, I knew how important parental involvement in education was. The fact that people cared about me succeeding, was all the motivation, I needed.
During my special education courses, I gained a love for reading. Admittedly, I developed this adoration for books because of my special education classes. It is my firm belief that without these classes my love of reading would not have happened because I would have grown frustrated that I was behind in my education. I avoid difficult subjects, like math, because I’m not good at it. Getting the help I need, made be excel with reading. I loved reading so much that I participated in a reading competition that I won three years in a row. Because of my love of reading, it led to a desire to
I began to read not out of entertainment but out of curiosity, for in each new book I discovered an element of real life. It is possible that I will learn more about society through literature than I ever will through personal experience. Having lived a safe, relatively sheltered life for only seventeen years, I don’t have much to offer in regards to worldly wisdom. Reading has opened doors to situations I will never encounter myself, giving me a better understanding of others and their situations. Through books, I’ve escaped from slavery, been tried for murder, and lived through the Cambodian genocide. I’ve been an immigrant, permanently disabled, and faced World War II death camps. Without books, I would be a significantly more close-minded person. My perception of the world has been more significantly impacted by the experiences I've gained through literature than those I've gained
Each speech was written as we strived to choose the right words that would have exactly the right impact on the crowd. I became more anxious as I tried to prepare myself to give my last speech. I cleared my throat and I was suddenly the first one in line. I stepped up to the microphone and began flipping through a pile of loose papers searching for the speech I had written, analyzed, read, and re-read. Just as quickly, I came across a paper with my name written across the top. I took a deep breath and began to read it aloud. My nerves were a little more at ease as I read through the text I had written. I spoke naturally and fluently just as the day before when I practiced. I took time to look into the crowd. As I scanned the crowd I spotted my parents once again, and just like before they began to excitedly
I was raised in an encouraging household where both of my parents greatly valued education. Although they were high school graduates, neither could afford to attend college; a combination of family and financial woes ultimately halted their path. As a result, my parents frequently reminded me that getting a good education meant better opportunities for my future. To my parents, that seemed to be the overarching goal: a better life for me than the one they had. My parents wanted me to excel and supported me financially and emotionally of which the former was something their parents were not able to provide. Their desire to facilitate a change in my destiny is one of many essential events that contributed to my world view.
My dad taught me that books could be my teachers, my mom taught me that our backyard could be my classroom, and my sister showed me that you could bring books into the swimming pool. I did not know it when I would spend hours in the pool reading a book that my parents weren’t encouraging it in vain, but my family life, for good reason, was centered on books. We were the planets orbiting around one sun that was the bookshelf. Little did I know that books would be the catalyst to academic success in my early life, and I owe it all to my family. Although a life with a book in your nose might seem boring, I was never bored. Living through the characters vicariously, I explored Narnia with Lucy, attended Hogwarts with Harry, and rode dragons with Eragon. Of course
‘I am going to fail’ was the very first thought that crept into my mind on that very first day of class. Before I stepped into the classroom on the first day, I felt pretty good about my writing. I had done previously well in English, and didn’t think this class would be much of a challenge. This all changed on the first day of school, when my professor talked about the level of reading and writing expected for this class. I remember thinking ‘I don’t read, why couldn’t I have been born someone who likes to read?!’ Since this moment on the very first day of class, I have grown immensely through hard work. In this essay, I will explain what I have learned over the course of this class about myself, and about writing.
Growing up in working class family, my mom worked all the time for the living of a big family with five kids, and my dad was in re-education camp because of his association with U.S. government before 1975. My grandma was my primary guardian. “Go to study, go to read your books, read anything you like to read if you want to have a better life,” my grandma kept bouncing that phrase in my childhood. It becomes the sole rule for me to have better future. I become curious and wonder what the inside of reading and write can make my life difference. In my old days, there was no computer, no laptop, no phone…etc, to play or to spend time with, other than books. I had no other choice than read, and read and tended to dig deep in science books, math books, and chemistry books. I tended to interest in how the problem was solved. I even used my saving money to buy my own math books to read more problems and how to solve the problem. I remembered that I ended up reading the same math book as my seventh grade teacher. She used to throw the challenge questions on every quiz to pick out the brighter student. There was few students know how to solve those challenge questions. I was the one who fortunately nailed it every single time. My passion and my logic for reading and writing came to me through that experience, and also through my grandma and my mom who plant the seed in me, who want their kids to have happy and better life than they were. In my own dictionary, literacy is not just the ability to read and write, it is a strong foundation to build up the knowledge to have better life, to become who I am today.
Everyone is going to grow up, become adults, and receive responsibilities. Everyone needs a job or some form of revenue to provide for themselves and possibly other. Post-secondary helps people have better futures. Post-secondary education, in American society today, allows everyone with the ability to expand their individual knowledge and prepare them for a job after they have finished school.
Going back to school at 30 is not the same as going back to school at 20, especially when you’re a single parent with an established career. Returning to school never left my mind throughout the years, I received my associates seven years ago and between then and now a lot had changed. So many questions I asked myself; do I have the time, who can help watch my daughter, can I juggle another load, etc. I answered every one of my questions; unfortunately I gave myself excuses instead. The decision going back to school was overwhelming because it was taking up another full time job; making it a priority and possibly putting in overtime to study and do homework.
While I believe every child is a reader, I do not believe every child will be enthralled with reading all the time. All students have the capability to read and enjoy reading, but just like any other hobby, interest will vary from student to student. The students in my classroom will be encouraged in their reading, be provided with choice, taught how books can take you into another world but, my students will not be forced to read. This paper will illustrate my philosophy of reading through the theories I relate to, the way I want to implement reading and writing curriculum, and the methods I will use motivate my students to read and help them become literate.
Reading and writing has always played a vital part in my life. From toddler to adult, pre-elementary to college, I’ve managed to sharpen both skills to my liking. However, even though it significantly helped, schooling was not what influenced me to continue developing those skills into talent. Many different things shaped and influenced my learning, and now reading and writing have become the safety net of my life. I know that even if I have nothing else in the future, I’ll still have my talent and knowledge. To ensure my success, I hope to further develop those skills so that I may fulfill my wishes.
Ever since I was a child, I've never liked reading. Every time I was told to read, I would just sleep or do something else instead. In "A Love Affair with Books" by Bernadete Piassa tells a story about her passion for reading books. Piassa demonstrates how reading books has influenced her life. Reading her story has given me a different perspective on books. It has showed me that not only are they words written on paper, they are also feelings and expressions.
Canada provides free education for children but only to a certain extent, once students graduate from their last year of high school in grade twelve they are required to pay for their own further education. Thus, this often makes or breaks a teenager’s decision whether to attend post-secondary or not. Education is a major part of people’s lives and has been around for many years. No matter where in the world everyone that has a career such as a doctor, a nurse or even a teacher are required to attain a degree from attending post-secondary. Whether they attended school in Canada at a cost or attended school in countries such as France or Finland where education is free they all had to complete their required years of school to go on and get a job in the field they desire (Goetz).
The American higher education system has always been deemed as the best in the world. Statistics consistently show that most Nobel winners received higher education in America and a majority of international students choose America as their dream county to study abroad. The standard of higher education in America is unique and unparalleled in many ways. However, it’s always hard to live up to a great reputation. The system suffers from deficits in many respects. For example, some scholars question the effectiveness of teaching and learning as the quality of graduated students is hardly satisfactory; also, the increase of cost and tuition is skyrocketing, which puts a huge burden on students and their parents; Therefore, accountability of higher education is doubted by a variety of individuals and groups. This research paper will better explore the American higher education through the following aspects:
As a first year student, college is an excellent opportunity to discover one’s own sense of identity and interact with a diverse range of people. Unfortunately, everyone will experience moments of confusion, loneliness, or even disengagement during their college years, which may cause a lack of interest for campus involvement. Through many studies, there are several theories that determine the parallelism between a student’s growth and their involvement interest, which also provides helpful methods for first year students to overcome challenges during this time. As Luckyday mentors this gives us insight to how to carefully approach different situations from mentees while forming a lasting impact on their transition from high school to college.
Dichotomy in views regarding Non-formal education has been observed, for some it was seen as the ‘ideal’ form of education, far better in all respects than formal education whereas others considered it as a sub-system of education, certainly not superior and by some as considerably inferior to formal schooling. Non-formal education is described by Coombs and Ahmed as ‘…any organized, systematic, educational activity carried on outside the framework of the formal system to provide selected types of learning to particular subgroups in the population, adults as well as children’ (Coombs and Ahmed 1974: 8). It has been seen that interpretation of the term varies from country to country. In one context, it considered educational programme provided by the Ministry of Education apart from the schools and colleges (e.g. adult literacy classes) and in others it meant educational programmes like schooling provided by non-governmental agencies (NGOs). For yet others, it comprised all the educational and training activities of other Ministries (Women’s Affairs, Health, Labour and Employment, Youth and Sports and Culture, etc.). One more type included the individualised learning programmes for different and specific learning groups - women’s discussion groups under non-formal education, for example, programmes which approximate closely to social work and specialist counseling, whether provided by the state, NGOs, commercial agencies or other civil society bodies (religious organizations, trade unions, new social movements etc). In some cases it included every educational activity apart from schools and colleges (Rogers, 2004), including radio and television programmes, the print media (newspapers and magazines etc). Therefore, any state...