How To Improve My Wellness Wheel

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After assessing my wellness wheel, the main areas in which I needed to change the most were self-image, fitness and nutrition. I initially narrowed down my habits to reducing snacking, in order to prevent excessive weight gain and unhealthy eating habits, improving energy levels for exercise in order to boost my physical fitness and encourage my self-image, and increasing the amount of sleep I get on average, to reduce depression and improve my overall health and perspective in life. However, after analyzing these primary areas of care, I realized that they were all affected by a common factor: lack of sleep. On average, I was only getting between five to six hours per night. Lack of sleep increased my snacking habits and irregular eating patterns when I would stay up …show more content…

I could also tell that, due to my lower energy levels, I would be prone to irritability, high levels of anxiety, fatigue, and general achenes throughout my body, which lead to lack of focus and tendency to judge myself to harshly or even lose confidence. I realized that, by changing my sleeping habits, I would be able to have greater success in other facets of my life, as well as improve my general health and welfare. Therefore, I chose to work on getting more sleep for my behavior change project.
In selecting to work on improving my sleep patterns for my behavior change project, I set for myself the specific goal of getting seven to seven hours and thirty minutes of sleep on average. I planned to do this by incorporating an hour and a half of sleep into my daily routine over a period of ten weeks. Over the next ten weeks, I plan to incorporate 30 more minutes of sleep every 3 weeks. However, I

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