Creating An Individual Health And Wellness Plan

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Creating an individual health and wellness plan helps you plan for your future of creating and /or maintaining a positive, safe lifestyle by addressing underlying issues. “No matter how hard we try and no matter what skills we bring to bear, some problems remain out of our control. When this is the case, we can tell the truth: ‘It’s too big and too mean. I can’t handle it.’ In that moment, we take a step toward greater health” (Ellis, 2015, p. 320). Problems and their solutions within a health plan can be evaluated through five different categories: Diet, Exercise, Rest, Safety, and Health Support. Today we will discuss how I was personally affected in each of those areas and how I plan to implement a solution. Diet is possibly one of the hardest things for people, including myself, to control. Every corner you turn while driving down the street has a different fast food restaurant to tempt you. Even if you avoid the temptation and make it to the store, then every corner you turn offers a new food that is filled with sodium and unnatural materials. My current diet is pretty much opposite of most recommendations. The few things that I normally would fall in line with, in terms of a healthy diet, are eating lean meats, poultry, and eggs along with low-fat/fat-free milk products. I lack many fruits, vegetables, and low sodium foods in my diet. Ellis (p. 322) states, “How you eat can matter more than what you eat. If you want to eat less, then eat slowly. Savor each bite. Stop when you’re satisfied instead of when you feel full.” These are strong words that stand out to me because every day it seems like I eat more than I should and I eat it fast. With that being said, my action plan will be to incorporate the beneficial items I am ... ... middle of paper ... ...ny friends that maintain a primary focus on exercise and health in their life. My goal is to reach out to them and have that additional motivation to do what is right for me. Having a friend will not only help me be responsible for my actions but can also improve my mood knowing that I have another person whose life is touched by my company. I think the biggest barrier to this issue is finding a time that will work for us both, but at the same time I don’t have to be dedicated to just one workout partner. By building my support system I will be able to conquer any problem in my life. Diet, Exercise, Rest, Safety, and Health Support are five categories that can greatly shape a person. By realizing your current situation and finding a solution to any problem that arises, you will succeed in life. That is why creating a health and wellness plan is vital to your future.

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